Voltage Drop Study & Analysis

A voltage drop study and analysis involve assessing and analyzing the voltage and voltage drop profiles within an electrical circuit and network under both normal and emergency operating conditions. This study is typically part of the Power System Study series and is commonly included in Load Flow Study and Analysis.

The voltage drop study is fundamental and widely required in electrical analysis. It focuses on evaluating how voltage levels fluctuate along the circuit and network, ensuring that they remain within acceptable limits during various operational scenarios.

Voltage is defined as the measure of electrical force between two points that propels the current. Voltage drop, on the other hand, signifies the reduction in voltage that transpires across all or a portion of the circuit due to impedance. Typically, voltage drop occurs as current traverses through the cable. This phenomenon is associated with the resistance or impedance encountered by the current flow within passive elements of the circuit, such as cables, contacts, and connectors, which influence the extent of voltage drop. Generally, the longer the circuit or cable length, the more pronounced the voltage loss.

Excessive voltage drop can stem from several factors, such as

  1. Inadequate engineering design or absence thereof, failing to adhere to recognized standards.
  2. Overcrowding a single cable lug with multiple cables.
  3. Mismatched materials in connectors (e.g., copper and aluminum).
  4. Discrepancies between the actual and specified diameter and length of conductors.
  5. Improper selection of cable conducting materials.
  6. Poor terminations or connections.
  7. Undersized conductor dimensions.
  8. Utilizing unapproved connectors.
  9. Failing to secure lugs or screws to the specified torque standards. 
  10. Overloading the circuit with a current surpassing its design capacity.

Reasons for Conducting Voltage Drop Analysis Study

Load Protection

Inadequate voltage supply to inductive loads can result in overheating, reduced efficiency, and shortened equipment lifespan.

System Perfomance

Certain loads operate optimally when voltage drop is minimized.

Major Change

Voltage drop analysis should be conducted whenever significant alterations are made to the electrical system.


Adhering to recommended voltage drop limits eliminates the need to speculate about low voltage readings during field measurements, ensuring accurate diagnosis of any issues.

System Efficiency

Employing larger conductors in circuits carrying substantial loads can lead to energy savings, making it a worthwhile investment.

Objectives of Voltage Drop Studies

Power Loss Reduction

Minimize power losses to enhance energy efficiency and effectiveness.

Operational Requirements

Enhance system performance to meet essential operational needs effectively.


Ensure adherence to relevant electrical standards and regulations.

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